Udine, September 2017


TEM - Taukay Edizioni Musicali and Delta Produzioni Associazione Culturale in collaboration with Associazione Audior announce the results of the Contemporanea Acusmatica festival call for works.


The Focus group is composed as follows:

Marco Marinoni

Dante Tanzi

Vittorio Vella

Andrea Vigani

Roberto Zanata


260 works have been received at our office from the following 36 countries:

Argentina 10, Australia 2, Austria 1, Belgium 2, Brazil 1, Bulgaria 1, Canada 10, China 3, Cipro 1, Colombia 1, Denmark 1, France 22, Germany 1, Japan 4, Greece, 7, Hong Kong 2, Iran 1, Ireland 4, Italy 115, Lithuania 2, Mexico 10, New Zealand 1, The Netherlands 1, Poland 3, Portugal 6, Republic of Philippines 2, Romania 1, Russia 1, Serbia 2, Slovenia 1, South Korea 1, Sweden 1, UK 5, USA 31, Venezuela 1, Vietnam 2


Among the works the Focus group selected

For "Acusmonium Audior Performance":

  • Loïse Bulot (France) with the composition “Daphnie”
  • Rocío Cano Valiño (Argentina) with the composition “Tâches”
  • Xavier Madore (Canada) with the composition “Les loges de la suite”
  • Marco Molteni (Italy) with the composition “Effimere emergenze, eremi, eclissi (ePWsM 1-3)”
  • Paolo Pastorino (Italy) with the composition “Matérica”
  • Demian Rudel Rey (Argentina) with the composition “Che-toi”
  • Virginie Viel (France) with the composition “An Ocean on the moon”
  • John Young (New Zealand/UK) with the composition “Three Spaces in Mid-Air”


For “Acousmatic Premiere Performance"

  • Daniel Blinkhorn (Australia) with the composition “Kibuyu” in 5+1 format
  • Simone Faraci (Italy) with the composition “Di piccole forze” in quadraphonic format
  • [ka’mi] (Portugal) with the composition “Xenakis'sche Grauwacke IIIb”
  • Diego Ratto (Italy) with the composition “Echoss”
  • Dennis Deovides Reyes III (Republic of Philippines) with the composition “Kyrie” in octophonic format
  • Jorge Sad (Argentina) with the composition “In my country there are desaparecidos and politcal prisoners (again)” in octophonic format
  • Nicolo Terrasi (Italy) with the composition “Come cadono le stelle” 


For “Acousmatic Field Performance”

  • Mariano Bulligan (Italy) with the installation “#nOdes – dropped spaces”
  • Alberto Caruso (Italy) e Michele Seffino (Italia) with the installation “Lo strumento”
  • Antonio Diotallevi (Italy) with the installation “Nelle tue corde”
  • Stefano De Ponti (Italy), Federico Lupo (Italia) ed Emanuele Magni (Italia) with the installation “Homage to Jean Fouquet”
  • Luana Lunetta (Italy) with the installation “(T)”
  • Fabio Monni (Italy) with the installation “Della luce e dei suoi confine”
  • Alberto Novello (Italy) with the installation “Celestial Harmonies”


The selected works will be performed/exhibited during “Contemporanea Acusmatica” festival in October 2017 in Udine (Italy).


Vittorio Vella

Manager of TEM – Taukay Edizioni Musicali


For further information:

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or at our office - via del Torre 57/5, 33047 Remanzacco - Udine, ITALIA

tel ++39 0432 649244

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